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The Keys to a Rich, Happy Life

Shortly after moving to Los Angeles, I went to a psychic for clarity about my career, which was her specialty. She asked me to shuffle two decks of tarot cards. I did. She began flipping each deck of cards into elaborate spreads on the tabletop, then sprayed rose water at me and toward the four corners of her tiny office.

Eager to get started, I took a deep breath.


Birds of a Feather, Coffee Together

For thirty years I’ve taught, law of attraction workshops with an emphasis on, creating fun ways to keep our thoughts, feelings, and frequencies high, fast, and pure. The reason? The better our thoughts feel, the better quality of life we create.

Recently a friend inquired about, “feeling frequencies.” Asking me, “What’s so important about keeping my personal thoughts pure?”


Living in Today’s FEAR-conomy

If I told you there is a battle for your mind, would you believe me? And, what if I also told you this battle’s been growing expectantly for decades? Whether it’s a commercial pushing chocolate peanut butter cookies, a political candidate seeking your vote or an ad for horse de-wormer pills flashing across your electronic device, there’s a battle to purposefully take your time, attention and your beliefs. But don’t fret, I have a solution.


From Trailer Trash…

As much of the known world prepares for the 2024 Academy Awards, my thoughts go back to my childhood in North Carolina and my first experience to the world of movies. In my rural town of tractor-pulls, gun racks, and running barefoot through the woods, I was also the kid who loved disappearing into the magical world of cinema.


Defining Miracles

Often, we hear the word, “miracle” used in ways that seem unattainable to the average person. For example, “It’s a miracle she won the lottery, three times!” or, “Can you believe Dan single-handedly created world peace on his lunch break and still had time to save that puppy from a burning building – what a miracle.”


Your Personal Wealth Esteem™


While running errands and checking tasks off of my things to-do list, I decided to browse a local bookstore on Melrose Avenue. While perusing books I noticed a sign that read, “Numerology Readings Today,” so I signed up. To my surprise my session was focused on my need to set clear, healthy boundaries.

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