Eddie Conner

How would it be to know, without a doubt, that you could create any environment you want for yourself, just by working with the purest essence of the Universe? Wouldn’t it be exciting if you knew there were spirit guides that are available, anytime at all, to you alone? Would it change the way you think about things to know that there are angels dedicated to nothing more than helping you learn the life lessons you came to Earth to learn? It certainly changed Eddie Conner’s life when he was shown all these things, and more!

Like many people, Eddie had a rocky start in this world. He couldn’t change his environment in rural North Carolina, as a child, so he decided to change the way it affected him. His willingness to seek meaning in the adversity resulted in his being shown the Light of spiritual guidance. Through trial and error, Eddie learned to stand in that light, and to believe what it showed him. And it is this that he shares with everyone that comes to a workshop, a class or a private psychic reading.

Eddie’s ability to hear and see his spirit guides and angels enables him to tap into the “Higher Energies” of the Universe. Even better, he reminds us that this gift is available to us all. He helps us find ways to disperse the clouds of confusion that swirl between us and our divine Truths.

In 1995 Eddie was invited to the West Coast to be a guest at a major radio station. The public response was so overwhelming, Eddie was asked to move to California and host a show of his own. In the face of this exciting opportunity, Eddie did what he always did, he consulted his guides. To his vast delight, his wants and his guidance agreed this time. This was what he was intended to do. With a full heart he went home to fulfill some previous obligations, sell everything he owned, and move to the other side of the country.

When Eddie got back to Los Angeles, the radio station had undergone internal changes and the job he came to fill no longer existed.

At first, Eddie was devastated. He forgot all about “Divine Plan” and things being in “Perfect Order”. All he knew was that he had dreams, and Los Angeles was now part of them, and he didn’t want to give them up.

In the face of this disappointment, Eddie could have gone home, told his story and gotten plenty of sympathy and support as he stepped back into the comfort and safety of his old environment.

The best example of Eddie’s life philosophy in action, is what he chose to do instead: He began with his belief that nothing is ever an accident, no matter how random it seems. He knew that he had asked for guidance every step of the way, and it had never failed him yet. So, he decided that no matter how this situation looked from the outside, there must be inner harmony with his life plan, he just needed to find it…

… and what he found was, an entire city full of people, hungry to hear the message he knows to be true. Because Eddie is always learning and growing himself, he continually fine-tunes his techniques. That is what Eddie has to teach us, ‘Practical Spiritual Living’.

“Our past is the photograph of where we have been, what we have learned from it creates the roadmap to our future, but the gift of our life is today… that’s why it’s called the present.”

Eddie Conner

Sept. 2024 Greetings


I believe one of the easiest ways to align our Intuitive Intellect is to consciously choose elevated thoughts that stoke our passions and heart-felt desires. The purer our desires are about that passion, the easier it is to create an amazing quality of life.

Bruce Lipton shares, “Science has found that 95% of our life, we’re thinking. When the conscious mind is thinking it is not paying attention. When the conscious mind is not paying attention, the subconscious program is the default.”

“If you understand that, then it’s only 5% of the time you’re running your life with your creative mind. The wishes and the desires and what you’re worth, only 5%!”

“95% of your life is coming from the program. …but the program is not your wishes and desires, it’s other people’s behavior. 95% of the day you are running programs that psychologists tell us are limiting, disempowering and self-sabotaging.”

“All of us. Every one of us, everyday plays programs that we don’t see, and they’re not ours. All we see is the result. And we go, ‘Oh my goodness. This is not what I wanted.’

“Yeah, but this is what you created.”

From birth to seven-years-old, we live in the theta state. Think of theta as a dream world overlapped with imagination. Everything we experienced at that age was much like a dream state. Mostly because our brains were not fully developed, but also, as children we were living between the physical and spiritual world at the same time. What we saw and heard and felt, day-in-and-day-out became our reality.

But, was it just our reality that we were experiencing?

The answer is, No! We were born into a preexisting pool of our parents’ beliefs. Their programs. Their hard knocks. Their wins. We did not just, observe our parents experiencing life, we also learned to believe what they believed. We were experiencing their attitudes about those beliefs, inside ourselves on a deep vibrational level. Through osmosis, we literally harmonized with our parents’ dominant beliefs. Over time, our parent’s beliefs, also became our habitual way of experiencing the world.


Osmosis is the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas and knowledge in your physical and emotional environments. As children, we innocently bought into other people’s programs and unconsciously carried those programs as our own. Gradually and overtime, our innocent, inner light slowly dimmed in order to fit our parent’s perspective of the world.


As children we essentially morphed from being happy-go-lucky-beings-of-light, and into little-limited-thinking-clumps-of-bone-and-flesh, that would grow up to become a carbon copy of our folks. Not all of us, but most.

Bruce reminds us, “…the programs that you get for the first seven years, are not yours. They came from other people, then they pass that onto you. But the problem is, it’s not just the previous generation. It’s the generation before, the generation before, the generation before…So, we pass down through the family.”

What we experienced as children was our parents and their parents and their parents’ belief systems over and over and over until we too, believed what our parents believed. As children we followed their unconscious patterns and world outlooks by innocently mirroring their beliefs as our own, via osmosis. BUT, and that’s a Big BUT so listen up.

BUT, an unpopular truth is, your soul picked your parents. For better or for worse. The mother specifically. Yes, you chose your parents and Earthly life with the assistance of a Pre-birth Planning Group and a Council of Elders. Often a soul will pick a hard-knock childhood in order to expand their consciousness at an early age.

Growing up, I knew what I saw and heard around me in the trailer park was not all there was to life. Deep down in my heart I just knew it. I had no physical proof of this inner knowing. On a daily basis, I saw Mama work hard to pull our family out of many’a no-win-shit-uation®. And on more than one occasion it nearly killed her. Literally.

I did not see my parents visualizing a better life. With Mama, I saw a lot of struggling to save our family. With my dad and step-dad, I saw them let Mama do all the work. I gravitated to Mama’s model of taking pride in work-oholism. I had no interest in mimicking my dad’s work ethics, or lack-there-of. Like a duck to water I instinctively Mom-micked© my favorite role model. And, like her I kept my head down, put my nose to the grindstone and busted my ass to make life work for me, not against me.

After many years of steadily reprogramming my subconscious mind, I have fortunately outgrown my families fear-based programs. Don’t get me wrong. I’m fully aware that each scarcity-riddled, fear-based-belief I inherited still hibernates somewhere deep within me. And always will. But, I also know those old programs hibernate and stay dormant if I don’t reactivate them. It’s my responsibility to focus my purest energy in the present moment, instead of going back-ass-wards.

Hindsight being what it is, I now see just how perfect my families fear-based beliefs served me. I appreciate the gifts that were born out of decades of struggle. I am now aware of the familiar-fear-patterns and acknowledge them, long before they are able to take deeper root and wreak havoc on my mind and emotions.

And boy-oh-boy, was I ever loyal to those ingrained beliefs! They were familiar. Meaning, of the family. Those belief patterns helped me harmonize with Mama. Growing up, it was my way of showing Mama how much I loved her. That I was there for her. And that I would pick up the slack where my male role models dropped the ball. I knew the depth of those poverty patterns inside and out. It was all I knew for the longest time.


Luckily, the more passionate I become about creating a better life by using something more than my blood, sweat and tears, the less effective my families-fear-frequencies worked. I didn’t know it at the time, but that’s when I had slowly begun to replace my outdated, FEAR-mily® Patterns with new ideas and desires.

I share this because most young still adults blame parents for their personal shortcomings. But they chose their parents. Others blame their life partners for not being what they want them to be. But they chose their partners. People blame the FEAR-conomy®, government and the dog-eat-dog-world-of-life-isn’t-fair. But again, each of us chose, on a soul level, to experience these circumstances and hard-knock-shit-uations® in order to learn and grow. Why?

So, we would eventually realize that we actually do create our own reality. That we can overcome huge obstacles. That we have an inner guidance system that perpetually navigates us to better choices and greater perspectives. First, we have to be aware we have this power in order to tap into it and create the positive change we want.

Being aware of your inner guidance system and consistently using it was the biggest game changer of my entire life. I believe it can be for you too. Abraham-Hicks said, “Once you’ve had enough of what you don’t want, you know more clearly what it is that you Do Want.” Once you’ve lived in poverty, you want prosperity. When you’ve had flubbed-up relationships, you want healthy relationships.

In all honesty, your life doesn’t suck because you had a crappy childhood. It’s not your parents’ fault. And it’s not your kids’ fault, neighbors’ fault or even the big, bad governments fault. Despite what your eyes and ears see and hear every day, you have always been heart-wired with the intrinsic ability to…

  • Choose elevated thoughts.
  • Choose elevated feelings.
  • Choose elevated frequencies, and to
  • Choose elevated images in your mind’s eye.

Luckily, no one else can change your life, but you. No one can create in your reality without your vibrational consent and nobody else can save you, but you. Honestly, would you want someone else to have power and control over your dreams?

Regardless of what’s happening in the world, you have the inner guidance to elevate your consciousness. Yes, it takes practice and repetition. If you’re not happy with your life, you can change it by purely choosing one thought, one feeling, one breath, and one step forward at a time.

Repetition is the key to successfully programming your subconscious. Repeat your affirming thoughts often. Recite beautiful images in your mind’s eye. Each time you visualize these images, add richer colors and infuse your visions with feel good emotions. As you revisit these images in your imagination, add new details until you can see or feel yourself moving around easily inside of your brand-new story.

I love redirecting my subconscious mind to higher outcomes. I do this in order to make pure thoughts my minute-to-minute habit. But, what makes me happiest is sharing these principles with others, because the more in harmony our conscious thoughts are, the more we’re contributing great energy to the world.

Lastly, I hope that you have a blast reprogramming your subconscious mind to bigger and brighter and bolder thoughts. Through practice and repetition, it will get easier and easier to think, speak and affirm feel-good-thoughts that are way outside of your original, FEAR-mily® beliefs.

Until we meet again, remember to keep your thoughts, feelings and frequencies high, fast and pure so that you can Unlock the Universe Within.

With Appreciation Always,


Explore Spiritual Peru Tour

Visit sacred places, explore Ancient Inca History, walk through Colonial Charm.  

Upgrade Your Magnetizing Game

March 17, 2024

Private Consultations
with Eddie Conner