If I told you there is a battle for your mind, would you believe me? And, what if I also told you this battle’s been growing expectantly for decades? Whether it’s a commercial pushing chocolate peanut butter cookies, a political candidate seeking your vote or an ad for horse de-wormer pills flashing across your electronic device, there’s a battle to purposefully take your time, attention and your beliefs. But don’t fret, I have a solution.
Over the years I’ve learned the hard way, not to follow the crowds and not to believe everything I saw or heard. Being focused on the physical world alone can isolate us from our truest connection to the Universe. Especially during bad economic markets when most people only believe what they can see and hear instead of remembering to also trust their intuition.
CS Lewis said, “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”
If you want to know which cliff the masses are running toward, turn on the television, read the headlines or stand at the water cooler with your coworkers for five minutes and you’ll get the picture. Nine times out of ten, mass-mind thinkers focus on negativity, then repeat that negative program over and over, day after day to everyone they come in contact with. It’s like there are reading a script that a parrot wrote for them. Come to think of it, the negative energy among most people today is strangely similar to the 2008 housing market crash? Coincidence? I think not. Which explains why most water cooler folks are complaining about the current economic slump, instead of choosing to create something better for themselves.
And speaking of choosing something better, here’s a question:
Are you running toward a cliff with mass-mind thinkers, or flowing in the opposite direction?
What is a FEAR-conomy
What is this FEAR-conomy I speak of? It’s when we believe what we are told to believe about the economy whether it’s true or not, then worry ourselves sick about how this information will affect our well-being or harm those we love.
FEAR is an acronym meaning, False Evidence Appearing Real. Most people believe what they are repeatedly told, sight unseen. Fear mongering gets people’s attention. Let’s say that again. Fear mongering gets people’s attention, but never in a healthy or productive way.
What is the opposite of Fear?
Which feels better? Fear or assurance?
Of course, assurance feels better.
How does assurance feel in your mind, heart and gut-brain?
Assurance feels light and uplifting.
Fear feels oppressive.
Assurance activates your inner light.
Fear activates your dark beliefs.
Timothy Freke on truth, “It is easy to believe something MUST be true because everyone else believes it. But the truth often comes to light by daring to question the unquestionable, by doubting notions which are so commonly believed, that they are taken for granted.”
The difference between you and the average FEAR-conomist, is that you don’t automatically believe everything you’re told. You question the unquestionable. You deep dive in order to gain inner-standing and continued clarity. You set a clear intention first thing each day. You visualize, journal and emotionally think and speak in detail about the end result you wish to create. You know to affirm and harmonize with your heart’s desire, then marinate in it. You also know that what you speak about will soon materialize, especially when your feelings are pleasantly charged up in a feel-good way.
A Few Simple Truths
Most people are not aware of these simple truths. Which is why they innocently join other mass-minded people racing toward the nearest cliff. After years of repeating fear-based thoughts they are still shocked when their Inner-FEAR-conomic-Monsters manifest in their daily lives in the form of struggle, hardships and continued lack.
Matt Kahn says, “Most people do not see their beliefs. Instead, their beliefs tell them what they see. This is the simple difference between clarity and confusion.” I’ve noticed, the quickest way to experience your soul esteem in real time, is to spend time affirming what you most desire as if that desire were here, right now.
Why? Because your subconscious mind retains everything you see, hear and feel as absolute truth. Whether it’s real or not. Keep in mind that your inner being is ten million times more powerful than any bad economy that hits you. It’s your inner being that creates your outer reality. Everything around you, right this second is based 100% on what you’ve thought, felt and energetically vibrated up to this point.
Consistently focusing pure energy on what you do want, sweeps your shadow beliefs away, making it easier for you to stand in the warm light of clarity and peace. All you have to do, to sustain this peace is practice setting your tone a little higher every day. As you work with your soul’s essence first, you’ll instinctively march to the beat of a different drummer. Which organically reminds your brain of what your inner guidance already knows to be true. What is this truth?
That all is well. That we create our own realities. That we are much more powerful than we were ever taught growing up. How do I know this?
My professional background is in intuition, reading energy and hypnotherapy. I inner-stand how the subconscious mind receives information, interprets that information, and how that information zips back like a boomerang negatively or positively affecting my life.
The subconscious mind creates your life, not the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is light years more powerful than physical action. The subconscious believes every single thing you tell it. It believes everything you think and feel. The subconscious has no sense of humor. It operates most effectively when you repeatedly program it to believe something, whether it’s true or not.
The Untapped Deliciousness
Ever notice how ad campaigns and commercials repeat themselves? The reason is so that your subconscious hears the campaign’s message over and over. The moment you actually notice the repetition, your subconscious mind is already working to make that message a part of your physical reality. That’s how you got that random jingle or song lyric stuck in your head the other day when you were shopping for groceries. What da hell!
The good news is, we can program our subconscious mind on purpose for what we do want instead of what we don’t want. The bad news is, if we don’t program it regularly, someone else will. Be it a person or corporation. There is always someone wanting to tap into your subconscious mind and use it as a host for their personal gain. It may as well be you benefiting from all of that untapped deliciousness – right?
Can I get a whoop, whoop?
Here’s an example: Thoughts like, “The world’s going to hell in a handbasket.” Or, “The cost of food and gas is killing me.” When your subconscious mind hears emotionally charged thoughts like these, repeated daily, and often, it immediately goes to work to make your thoughts about ‘going to hell in a handbasket’ your new physical reality.
Your subconscious mind does not have a sense of humor. It doesn’t know the difference between fact or fiction. If you saw it or thought it, it’s now very real to your subconscious mind. Your wish, is its command. So, be careful what you wish for, or you might be getting fitted for a big-old-ugly-ass-wicker-hand-basket – to hell? My bad. I couldn’t resist.
The Truth Comes to Light
Recall Timothy Freke’s words, “It is easy to believe something MUST be true because everyone else believes it. But the truth often comes to light…”
We’re all cocreators with the Universe. Unlike mass mind thinkers, we are aware that we create our realities. We get out of life what we energetically put into it. That especially includes our thoughts, feelings and inspired actions.
Which is why it’s important for us to put our attention on the exact opposite of the negative-charged imagery that triggers the masses. As cocreators, we organically run in the opposite direction of the masses. It’s the way we are naturally wired. We wish the others well. We love them, but for us to grow, we have to follow our inner guidance system and use our extrasensory gifts to create in real time.
What is the opposite of a fear-based economy? Actually, what is the exact opposite of what most people think about, speak about and mentally consume daily? The Answer:
- Beauty, grace and awareness.
- Peace, wellness and freedom.
- Happiness, solutions, and inspiration.
- Continued security, financial ease and communities working together.
The truth is, we can still experience each of these enriching qualities, despite the negativity constantly looping across the big and small screens in our lives.
The Leading Edge
By the way, I’m not saying, don’t be informed about world events. But I am saying, when you do think, speak or watch heavy subjects that can be triggering, do your best to stay aligned with your inner guidance system when doing it. In other words:
- Be aware, not triggered.
- Be observant, not uncaring.
- Be conscious, not reactionary.
- Be appreciative, not disapproving.
- Be aligned, not programmed by negative hoopla.
Question everything via your amazing inner guidance system. Use this guidance to ask better questions. Why? Because, your inner guidance is pure, positive energy. It’s unconditional love in action. It’s your authentic-self whispering wisdom to you in every moment. It’s also guiding you away from the outdated beliefs that no longer serve you.
Alvin Toffler believes, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” I’m right there with Alvin.
Energy flows where attention goes. When observing the world around you, put your best energetic foot forward, especially with the economy. Leading with pure intentions can easily prevent you from getting attached to negativity. Do this and you’ll start to feel informed and aligned. You’ll feel your personal power expanding and growing brighter and brighter.
Regardless of how bad things appear, bring to mind, that we always have the basic freedom to pick our thoughts and feelings. We don’t have to stay imprisoned in old programming. As leading-edge-movers-and-shakers we can easily learn, unlearn and relearn to the best of our abilities. Because our true self is guiding us. It’s always guiding us away from the cliffs and in the perfect direction for what we are actually here to do and be in this lifetime.
And on that note my lovely friend, I sincerely appreciate that you enjoy the habit of keeping your thoughts, feelings, and frequencies high, fast and pure, so that you can Unlock the Universe Within.
With Love Always,