The OVAL Mirror
I’ve decided to keep this newsletter light. Pun intended. One of my favorite spiritual practices has always been sending light from my heart and out to the world. I’ve used light energies every day for decades, but this month I’ve decided to beef up this “sending light” energy while using my favorite acronym, The OVAL Mirror. Simply stated, OVAL stands for Observe, Vibrate, Attract, and Live.
I learned this sending light technique from, Sanaya Roman in the 1980’s. She instructs students to create grids of light emanating from their hearts and out to the Universe. It’s a powerful exercise and it makes you feel great. Plus, when you’re attracting the life you desire you feel more inspired and empowered to practice it everyday.
This morning I decided to do a guided meditation where I activated my inner light grid. I visualized light vibrating and emanating from my heart and around the world, and through the hearts and minds of all living things before sending the light to our solar system and beyond. It was a short meditation but man, it immediately made me feel like a million bucks.